Moon Dance
Crafted Aires through Gemini
The Moon Dance collection was inspired by the springtime return of Eros and dance of the fae. In the spring, the veil between that which "is" and where what "is" is conceptualized becomes thin. Beings of the beyond usher new life into newly warmed soil. The first pops of color after a barren winter enter as spring crocus. Violets and Wisteria bring wafts of springtime fragrance and reminders of our connection to ethereal wisdom.
2021 was the year of the Cicada. The air continues to warm and the air thickens with humidity before the cicadas emerge from their sleep. As three different species of period cicadas tore out of the earth, fields of wild daisies sang with their symphony of rebirth after decades of slumber. The harmless insects are a symbol of fertility: they spend their short lifespans singing and procreating, before feeding the earth with an abundance of nutrients they have collectively borrowed.
The forest, swarming with cicadas, became a symphony of their exuberant cries, screams swollen with zeal for living. Jupiter's brief transit into Pisces in late spring - Summer brought a wave of creative exaltation, carried forward even into the crafts of Cancer season and beyond. Jupiter in Pisces, represented by the Nine of Cups - perfect harmony in love and optimism.
Victoria Christine alchemizes the emotions evoked from the budding fertility of spring into two nervine tonics - one which captures the cyclical returning heat of the sun and fading embers of winter hearths, the other which captures the moisture of morning dew condensing on early wildflowers.
These curations, were exhibited alongside the work of David Onri Anderson in a collaborative show entitled Moon Dance at Le Swamp, Knoxville, TN May 26 - June 6, 2021. Victoria Christine worked with the energetics alchemized into paintings by David Onri for 3 months, the results of which became tangible in the expression of Moon Dance Tea.
Moon Dance became the altar for the dance of life, of creation, actualizing before our eyes. The alchemy of art, the creative expression that is living.
Moon Dance Tea
Open your senses to that which exists beyond our immediate awareness.
Wisteria, violets, elderflower, and yarrow bring buds of ethereal wisdom.
Crafted during the New Moon in Taurus and Jupiter's transit into Pisces.
Two nervine tonics, one to warm and the other to wash . . .
Mist of Dawn
A Kava infusion intended to melt anxiety and soothe your spirits.
Infusion began on the Winter Solstice and Grand Conjunction.
Bottled on Beltane.
Rain Dancer
A calming nervine support created with skullcap and wild violets. Stir forgotten places awake, allowing wisdom to ripple out from you like springtime fragrance.
Infused with Taurus and Gemini energy.